
Dive into the dynamic world of metal and gemstone minerals across Africa, focusing on key resources such as copper, gold, diamond, tanzanite, cobalt, and more. This blog explores the rich mineral wealth of countries like the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Zambia, Tanzania, and South Africa, highlighting both large-scale and small-scale mining operations. We cover the environmental and economic benefits of metal and gemstone recycling, the challenges of informal mining sectors, and the role companies like SCOVITO GROUP play in empowering local miners, improving mining practices, and connecting them with global markets. Learn about the opportunities, innovative technologies, and sustainable practices that are shaping the future of the mining industry in Africa.

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Gold Mining in Tanzania: Opportunities and Small-Scale Mining Support

Employee empowerment will be one of several key components helping the company meet its growth goals, Rohr says. It's a strategy Rohr says worked well for him in his previous role as CEO of specialty chemical producer Albemarle Corp. (IW500/289). At Celanese, Rohr says he plans to have employees more...

Supporting Small-Scale Copper Miners in the DRC: SCOVITO GROUP’s Role in Empowering Local Miners

KBR's most recently filed Annual Report on Form 10-K, any subsequent Form 10-Qs and 8-Ks, and other U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filings discuss some of the important risk factors that KBR has identified that may affect the business, results of operations and financial condition...
Calama, Antofagasta Region, Chile - April 03, 2023 - Workers washing copper cathodes at an electrowinning plant in El Abra copper mine.

Copper Cathodes Business in Congo (DRC)

Lean service operations are people centred and people driven. However, organisations are generally tactical and reactive when dealing with the human element of lean service operations. They frequently focus on lean tools and techniques, thus overlooking the human element. They might train employees...

Gold Business in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

Advanced services are a new route for manufacturers to secure competitive advantage in the market. With rising availability and adoption of digital technology, building an advanced service business model is becoming easier than ever. However, manufacturers still face substantial challenges...

Copper Scraps Business in Africa

Captain’s Log. Day eight of quarantine. Work has been busy; I’m grateful for the technology we have to collaborate and continue business during this time. I have walked around the block seven times today. I wonder how many days in a row I can eat frozen jalapeno poppers for lunch.

Create Synergy by Engaging With Higher Education

It’s safe to say that you’re currently spending a lot of time with your spouse in very tight quarters—more time than you’ve spent together in years or ever. You’re both trying to work from home, manage the household, and care for your—getting quite stir-crazy—kids. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur.

Three secrets to Beat Performance Anxiety

Anyone who’s ever been in a similar situation—and that’s all of us—can empathize. Even with tasks we've done a million times—like speaking a second language, walking up stairs, or navigating the grocery store—under pressure or observation, we get psyched out. We lose the most basic skills. Lorem ipsum dolor sit.

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